Senate Vote Would Cancel EPA ‘Endangerment’ Rule; White House Threatens Veto – Connie Hair, Human Events
Since the EPA did an end run around Congress by classifying CO2 as a pollutant, some in Congress have been trying to rein in the rogue agency. Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski has pushed S.J. Res 26 through the Senate and it will be voted upon soon. S.J. Res 26 would prevent the EPA’s attempt to hijack America’s energy sector. Barack Obama has threatened to veto the bill in order to give his lackeys at the EPA power over the air you breath. This is just one more power grab by the Obama administration and it looks as though he’s willing to ride roughshod over a bipartisan senate to keep that power. – Dick Young
CAGW Names FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski May Porker of the Month
Julius Genachowski has been named porker of the month by Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. CAGW President Tom Schatz: “Chairman Julius Genachowski is leading the FCC into uncharted waters, straight into a legal headwind. In April, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia laid down an unambiguous marker: the FCC has no authority to force Internet service providers (ISPs) to give equal treatment to all Internet content flowing through their networks, nor can it regulate ISPs under Title II without Congress’s express authority. The agency is out of its depth and will end up sinking time and the taxpayers’ money into harassing an industry that is functioning very well without ham-fisted government regulations.” – E.J. Smith
Grave Opposition in Congress to Director of National Intelligence Nomination – Connie Hair, Human Events
After disgraceful scapegoating Dennis Blair for his adminstration’s failures in the war on terror, Barack Obama has nominated a real stinker to take his place. Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. James R. Clapper Jr. seems to be disliked by Senators from both parties and will no doubt have a rough confirmation process. What is the President thinking? – Dick Young
Obama Meets Toto – Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal
Mr. Henninger hits the nail on the head when he says that the American people have bought into a Faustian bargain in which they accept government, no matter how bad it is, because they think there is no other way. There are plenty of other ways. The American people don’t need to simply accept bad government. There are other ways to take care of the poor and feed the hungry than to waste billions of dollars through the government trying to do it. – Deborah Young
Now Louisiana Knows How Dorothy Felt – A.W.R. Hawkins, Human Events
Presient Obama has shown himself to be the man behind the curtain, but perhaps he should be known as the man behind the teleprompter. Powerless without his teleprompter the president has shown Americans that he has little leadership ability beyond making flowery speeches. No one should expect the president to simply wave a wand and shut off the oil gusher in the gulf, but he could do much better. His refusal to work with Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal to protect the coast of the state is treacherous at best. His politically motivated failure to take a leadership role in the response shows that he is more worried about his own image than about helping gulf coast residents. – Dick Young
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