Democratic Seats Vulnerable on Jobs – Gary Fields, The Wall Street Journal
When the Obama administration took a giant time-out during the worst recession in decades to focus on passing Obamacare, it left Americans like Michelle Rena Jones sitting on their hands waiting for the government to adjust policy in a way that would actually create jobs. Meanwhile, the Obama administration has done the exact opposite. By advocating a radical strategy of tax increases and overregulation, the Obama team has sidelined any thought by America’s businesses about hiring. The uncertainty created by this administration is killing growth in America. Sure, the White House is borrowing so much money that it’s taking a toll on the funds available for small business financing, but the real story is that small businesses just don’t know what to expect in the next year, or the next month, or the next week for that matter from this radical administration. That’s why Ms. Jones is without a job. – Dick Young
Obama is Another Herbert Hoover – Roger Hedgecock, Human Events
Barack Obama’s call to raise taxes in the face of recession is eerily familiar to that of Herbert Hoover’s decision to do so during the Great Depression. Why, when America needs more than anything an increase in capital investment, would Barack Obama believe that raising taxes on the American people is a good idea? He says he only wants to raise taxes on the rich, but those tax increases will include many of America’s small businesses. Small businesses reinvest their profits to generate growth, now Barack Obama wants to take those profits away and redistribute them to America’s public service unions. I doubt that many small business owners consider themselves rich. America’s small business owners have skin in the game. Now they have to fight to keep from getting skinned. Government is supposed to enable business, not the other way around. – Timothy Jones
The Border Security Bill That’s a Start – Elisabeth Meinecke, Human Events
A bipartisan majority has used $600 million to help secure the border. This is a small drop in a big bucket, but better than nothing. The shocking part of this story is how badly backed up America’s courts are in trying to deal with all the illegal immigrants that need deportation. It’s one more argument for securing the borders so fewer immigrants are brought before judges, wasting the time and money of the American taxpayer. – Dick Young
Putting Government First – Pat Buchanan, Human Events
While state governments were getting ready to downsize, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were not ready to let that happen. While the entire country has been rationalizing the number of employees on the job at businesses, states have been insulated from having to shed employees by stimulus money (your money) sent to them by Nancy and Harry. So now states will continue to be overmanned, and next year will face the same time wasting budget battles that consumed most statehouses this year. States won’t be able to count on federal aid forever, and if the government isn’t their to bail them out year after year, the overstaffed states will end up firing these employees at some point. – Dick Young
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