It was the unions that killed the golden goose in Detroit.They should be de-certified and dropped in a shallow grave never to again see the light of day. It’s really only a matter of Outcome Analysis. The Wall Street Journal lays out the grisly details.
United Auto Workers President Bob King, speaking publicly on the Detroit bankruptcy filing for the first time Monday, said he is outraged at how the city’s 20,000 public-sector employees have been treated by the governor and the city’s new leadership.
“I know how bargaining can work in difficult crisis situations,” Mr. King said. “In the auto industry, labor with management, the community and government, we all worked together and look at the industry now.”
Al Garrett, head of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 25, said the city didn’t try to bargain with unions in good faith.
“Part of this is to create a narrative that people say there is nothing else they can do” but file for bankruptcy, Mr. Garrett said, referring to comments by Messrs. Snyder and Orr about the dire state of the city’s finances. “We say there is something they can do. They can sit down at the bargaining table.”