6:30 a.m. Wake-Up Commentary
President Obama is now at the pulpit in shirtsleeves, amped up and calling for an up-or-down vote on health care. It’s time, implores the president. I have to think he is drawing voters’ attention to the 51 almost certain “yes” votes in the Senate. But wait, Mr. President, the House must vote first, and the House must vote on the Senate health-care bill as passed, with zero changes. Why is President Obama ranting about an up-or-down vote when that’s exactly what he’s going to get? Simple: to arm-twist the substantial number of “no” votes that, as of today, exist in the House. To move these congressmen, bribery will be necessary. Such bribes would of course come in the form of promises from the Senate to repair the bill after the president signs it. So far so good. But Republicans have already made it clear in writing that they will invoke the Byrd rule to bring the number of Senate votes necessary to float the House bribes to 60 votes, not 51 votes. And the Democrats in the Senate do not have 60 votes. Congressman Bart Stupak & Co. are not stupid. They know full well that the Senate in fact may very likely not be able to deliver its bribes. Therefore, for the Stupak crew and fiscally conservative Blue Dogs to vote yes on the already passed Senate bill, souls will have to be sold. Will this happen? The pressure is immense. At the end, I don’t think most of the House Democrat no’s care a lick about Pelosi or President Obama. They want to hold on to their seats. There is blood in the streets!
McConnell and Kyl Insist on Byrd Rule – Human Events
Senate budget committee chairman Kent Conrad (D) says that reconciliation is not designed for significant legislation. The Byrd rule says that anything that doesn’t score for budget purposes must be eliminated. Democrats’ attempts to waive the Byrd rule will need 60 votes, not just 51 votes. – Dick Young
Pelosi’s Latest Healthcare Scheme – Human Events
Both of the Senate budget committee leaders, Conrad (D) and Gregg (R), believe reconciliation cannot be used for health care. The Senate parliamentarian will rule on this shortly. For the health-care monster to pass, House democrats are going to have to sign on to $500 billion in Medicare cuts, $500 billion in tax increases, the Cornhusker Kickback, the Louisiana purchase, and carve-outs for Florida seniors only. – Dick Young
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