It Isn’t Working – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
The Obama team, along with the Bush administration, came out of the gate with purely Keynesian responses the financial crisis. The Democrats loaded the stimulus dice so that most of the money would be spent right before the November elections. Even that has failed miserably. Jobs growth is still mediocre and small businesses are so scared and confused by the new taxes and mandates of Obamacare that they simply are taking the risks they normally would, leading to lackluster job growth. This administration has chosen to lead by confusion. American businesses are asking for clarity, not more stimulus. A firm position by the Democratic majority in Congress on the renewal of the Bush tax cuts would go a long way toward giving businesses the confidence to hire once again. – Dick Young
A Democratic Panic Attack? – Larry Kudlow, National Review
Larry Kudlow is correct, the worst threat to Americans today is that Democrats will feel compelled to “do something.” That something will surely be more stimulus, which obviously has not worked. The Senate has just passed a $26 billion mini-stimulus to save Democrats’ favored constituents, teachers and health care workers. Kudlow warns of a Democratic “August surprise,” that may be a gigantic new stimulus package, in an attempt to fix the game for November. – Dick Young
A Coup for the FCC – The Prowler, The American Spectator
The radical FCC chairman, Julius Genachowski and his staff have been trying hard to carve the internet into pieces for the major players. In a fitting turn of events, a liberal activist group actually disrupted Genachowski’s backdoor meetings enough to cause the talks to fall apart. But now it is likely that the FCC will simply move to regulate the internet on its own, even though Congress has warned against it. The continuing hostility of this FCC to freedom of speech both on the airwaves and over the internet is reminiscent of many other socialist takeovers of airwaves and communications. – E.J. Smith
Beck: ‘Obama Doesn’t Believe in Our Constitution’ – Jason Mattera, Human Events
It’s obvious from his nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court that Barack Obama has no regard for the constitution as it is written. Glenn Beck lays President Obama’s hostility to the constitution here. – Dick Young
Obama: Not the Great Stone Face – Victor Davis Hanson, National Review
Barack Obama has been too successful in his administration. His passage of Obamacare has turned Americans against him. Now his Democratic colleagues in Congress fear passing more of his agenda before the next election because Americans might simply revolt if they do. This has turned into a do-nothing administration because Americans will surely vote it out if they are compelled to accept anymore of the president’s radical agenda. – Dick Young
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