It would appear that our president’s staff failed to brief the president on the magnitude of Tuesday’s carnage. The White House has been hit with the equivalent of a category five hurricane, not the tropical storm that Mr. Obama appeared to be reviewing in his address to the nation. The New York Times recently wrote about the president’s “playbook after November 2.” Well Mr. Obama won’t be in need of a playbook because he is not going to have an offensive team on the political field of play.
No, Mr. Obama will play strictly defense for the next two years while the enraged opposition completes preparations for the elimination of more Democrat senators in 2012.
The Democrats must defend 21 senate seats in 2012, and, as of today, it would appear that at least eight of those seats could change hands. What the president refuses to get is that there are no deals to be had—none. His goose is cooked. The hubris and arrogance is not to be believed. Here we have a president who has presided over the worst whipping since 1948. Even the Newt Gingrich tidal wave of 1994 brought with it “only” 52 house seats.
President Obama has steered the ship of state up to the rocks with even more wretched results. Has he been to any of the Tea Party rallies? We’re talking anger here. Has he read the history of the American Revolution? Sam Adams, Paul Revere, John Hancock, Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine were not interested in compromise. I have been writing to you about what Barrack Obama and his handlers are all about. Conservative, small business owners and retired or soon-to-be-retired Americans know that the Obama administration is after any wealth they have accumulated over a lifetime of hard work. The result is a revolt. Stage one of the revolt is now complete, and stage two is ready to unfold. It is not going to be pretty for the administration.
Liberals Need to Get the Message – E.J. Smith
As Fred Barnes writes in the Wall Street Journal this morning, “Republicans will continue to have issues on their side. The election reaffirmed that America is a center-right country and that a sizeable majority is anxious about government spending and debt, President Obama’s health-care plan, and jobs. Those issues won’t go away now that Republicans control the House and are in a strong minority position in the Senate.” That should help prevent any funny business, or misinterpretation of the president’s new mandate. Barnes points out that Democrats are divided on spending today. Some recognize that Americans have spoken up against too much spending, the others are futilely ignoring the message. The conservatives in the GOP can work with those Democrats that understand the gravity of the spending/debt/deficits situation in the country.
Today Democratic leaders, those that remain, are trying to explain why they failed so miserably in Tuesday’s elections. After daily denials of how poorly the outcome looked for them, Democrats are now forced to face some reality, though they are distorting it as much as possible. Rather than accepting the fact that their policies, like the Stimulus and Obamacare have incensed the American population, Democrats assume that “the economy” is at fault. Perhaps it is, but Democrats can be forgiven for the bad economy, it is their approach to fixing it that is the problem. The Stimulus was an obvious dud. After it, Americans are looking at more debt, and no improvement in economic conditions. As Democrats are quick to point out, voters didn’t line up to vote for Republicans, but to vote against Democrats. It was what they had done throughout the last two years that defeated them. Voters were actively targeting Democrats.
For two good reads in today’s papers check out A Recoil Against liberalism by George Will in the Washington Post and Milton Friedman vs. the Fed by Alan Meltzer in The Wall Street Journal
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