The President’s Animosities – Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal
The President has shown himself to be exactly the type of virulent business hater that he promised during his campaign that he was not. His campaigning – I say campaigning because he doesn’t seem to be running the country – is entirely focused on attacks on business in nearly every sector. His only answer to any problem is taxes then regulation then spending on green jobs. Well, the green jobs aren’t materializing for the millions of unemployed in America. And the new regulations aren’t going to help much more than the last crop that was disregarded. To land the death blow to the American economy, the President would like to add a Value Added Tax to the copious taxes you already pay. A VAT as they’re called, would thoroughly complete your contract of serfdom with the country. Most – if not all – of your hard earned money would be funneled to bureaucrats eager to spend it running your life. This simply isn’t the America most citizens believe in. – Dick Young
The Millionaire Cop Next Door – Rich Karlgaard, Forbes
Rich Karlgaard, who writes Digital Rules for Forbes, cautions that the average government worker makes more than 30% more than private-sector workers. In Carlsbad, CA for example police and firefighters get “3-percent-at-50” meaning a pension that’s worth 3% of their highest salary times the years of service which averages about 28 years times $76,440, or a nest egg of over $2 million. Now imagine how long it would take for you to get that kind of money and know that they do it without having to save a dime. – E.J. Smith
Take a look at this great speech by new New Jersey governor Chris Christie. More politicians would benefit from speaking with this kind of clarity and honesty. – Timothy Jones
The United States of Throw the Bums Out – Douglas E. Schoen and Patrick H. Caddell, The Wall Street Journal
Americans like you and I are sick of having politicians who disregard the most basic requests once they get to Washington. Americans want Social Security reform, Medicare reform, Medicaid reform, and an end to the unending wars in the Middle East. After those goals were accomplished Americans might care less about Congress giving its funny-money to its buddies in special interest groups. At least the country wouldn’t be staring down the barrel of a gun. – Dick Young
The Criminalization of Business – Douglas Smith, The American Spectator
Criminal investigations of businesses for simply doing business seem to be the Obama administration’s go to play when they need to draw attention away from their own poor performance. – Dick Young
The Bad News About ObamaCare Keeps Piling Up – Karl Rove, The Wall Street Journal
The promise from Barack Obama that his health care reform will allow you to keep your current coverage if you like it is, in most cases, untrue. In reality you will be able to keep your current coverage if your employer can continue to afford it after the burdensome mandates of Obamacare jack up its price. Most will not be able to continue to buy insurance for their employees. – Dick Young
Obama is Kicking Louisiana’s Ass – Jeff Crouere, Human Events
The President is long on handing out blame and short on ideas for solving problems. His inaction is leaving Louisiana high and dry to face this crisis with a federal regulatory yoke around their necks. It’s not that Louisiana can’t help itself, it’s that the federal government won’t allow them to do so. Instead the President is searching for cap and trade support. What will Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu think about cap and trade when it comes up? – Dick Young
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