This morning, the Wall Street Journal printed an article about House Speaker John Boehner titled, “GOP Aims to Tame Benefits Programs.” I love the Wall Street Journal and have read it daily since the late 1950s, but the article is pure whitewash. I encourage all Americans to read Matt Taibbi’s piece, “Crying Shame” in Rolling Stone magazine to compare. The Wall Street Journal is taking Americans for the ride of their lives with this smoke bomb.
The article allows Speaker Boehner to sidestep any explanation of why he has shirked complete responsibility for reforming Social Security and Medicare. In his mind, Americans aren’t ready to hear a plan for change. Mr. Boehner believes that they must be educated. That’s eerily similar to what the president and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi have been saying about Obamacare. Americans don’t need anymore education, they need congressmen and executive branch officials to work for the benefit of all Americans, not just their K Street lobbyist buddies.
Another group Speaker Boehner plans on educating in the ways of Washington are the 87 House freshmen, who are frothing at the mouth for the opportunity to help their constituents by passing real reform. The Speaker will have none of that. He wants time to explain to the freshmen how things work in Washington. Well, the time is up. The freshmen know exactly what the speaker and the other RINO/neo-con-oriented Republicans are up to. Nothing. And this has been the case since Reagan left office. Eight years of President Bush was, if possible, worse than eight years of President Clinton.
Speaker Boehner and the neo-con crowd say Americans aren’t ready for the far-reaching changes needed to balance budgets and to set America aright. I would like to have seen him float that foul ball by the 600-strong attendees at the Cato Institute conclave I recently attended in Naples, FL. Surely the room would have gone silent in disbelief that the speaker could float such jive up the flag pole.
Americans certainly do understand. Congressmen Ron Paul and Michelle Bachmann understand. The governor and people of Wisconsin understand. The Ohio legislature understands. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie understands and has been educating his constituency for years now, so they definitely understand. Governors Rick Scott and Rick Perry of Florida and Texas understand and are fighting for their states and against government overreach in the form of Obamacare. South Carolinians understand and elected Governor Nikki Haley to fight for them.
It would appear Speaker Boehner is dazed and savagely out of the loop. Americans get it and know that he never will. That’s why the speaker faces a throng of enraged freshmen in the House. They’re chomping at the bit to enact true reform. No one should be holding them back. Mr. Speaker, if you’re reading, don’t wait for the president to unveil his plan for reform. He has no plans to work with you. Remember, this is the man who foisted Obamacare (temporarily) upon the country. What true reforms could he ever propose after that? Mr. Speaker, if you fail to use the mandate you’ve been given, your ship has sailed.
If you don’t think Americans get it yet, watch the selection of videos below:
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