In an article this morning, Michael Barone asks, “Why Support the Tea Party?” He goes on to tell readers that faced with a government giving away trillions of dollars to special interests, Americans are unconcerned with the meager welfare payments they are “given” by the government that first took their money away. How can liberals and big-government Republicans claim they are helping the common man when they are funneling money to the GEs and Goldman Sachs of the world using the federal government? Have you been put in charge of the president’s Outside Council of Economic Advisors lately? No? Because GE’s Jeff Immelt has.
Along with big business and the big government crowd, unions make up the triumvirate that is hurting the small business-owning taxpayers of the country. Take, for example, the bankruptcies of General Motors and Chrysler. To sort out the debacle at the two automakers, big business, big government and big labor met to discuss just how to divvy up your tax dollars amongst themselves. Sound fair?
This has been going on for a long time. Eisenhower warned against the military industrial complex and apparently his words fell flat. In the 50 years since he left office, the U.S. has become the host that the three parasitic organs mentioned above have clung to.
It’s little wonder that the Tea Party is going so strong. There is no other outlet for the voice of the people. Small business owners, tradesmen (who have abandoned their thug-like union bosses), libertarians, constitutionalists, Christians and NRA members, along with other freedom-loving Americans, are banding together to form a powerful majority under the Tea Party banner. As a small business owner and freedom loving NRA-life member, I have nothing in common with the big government/big business/big labor crowd.
I have much more in common with the skilled workers on the Harley-Davidson shop floors in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. These guys ride Harleys, belong to the NRA, and are unlikely to sympathize with the purple-shirted SEIU thugs or public union activists currently occupying the Wisconsin statehouse. The Tea Party movement has done away with Republican and Democrat tags and moved on to a States Rights, individual liberty and freedom model that seeks to restore a federal republic. It’s hard to argue with that.
In Wisconsin, let us hope Governor Scott Walker maintains his resolve. On the federal level, senators must rally around Senator Rand Paul in his drive to cut spending to the special interests and to give the Right to Work to all Americans.
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