Originally posted on April 20, 2010.
In the chapter of his book The County Sheriff entitled “Form of Government,” Sheriff Mack writes,
You will not find any references made by the Founders that they ever made any comments about their hopes of making America the next great democracy! There had already been numerous failed democracies throughout history (Rome and Greece) and they had no intention of risking their lives just to start another one here. The blood, sweat, and tears that went into the creation of our Declaration of Independence and the subsequent Constitution, were all about a new experiment. An experiment of a unique form of government based on the idea that all men are created equal and would therefore be left to govern themselves. Furthermore, the people would retain an inviolable sovereignty and power over the government, which exists to serve them, not vice versa.
The bottom line, says Sheriff Mack, is that sovereignty is inviolable: “America was founded as a constitutional Republic, a representative form of government with extremely limited powers, confined within the parameters as expressly set forth by the supreme law of the land, the Constitution itself.” Hard to see how Obamacare fits here, isn’t it?
Click here to pick up a copy of the book.
The Energetic Style of Texas Gov. Rick Perry – Elisabeth Meinecke, Human Events
Texas governor Rick Perry has dramatically improved pollution levels in his state and at the same time increased his state’s reliance on domestic energy. The progress made in Texas is admirable and should be duplicated across the country, not destroyed by a nationwide cap-and-trade plan that puts all states in a federal-government-shaped box. – Dick Young
Gun Issue Key in Texas Governors Race – A.W.R. Hawkins, Human Events
Governor Rick Perry’s opponent in his race for reelection in Texas is former Houston mayor Bill White. Mr. White has flip-flopped miserably on Second Amendment issues, and all freedom-loving Texans should see him as a poor choice for governor. It will be very interesting to see what rating the NRA gives Mr. White this year. – Timothy Jones
The Taxing Power of Obamacare – Robert Levy, National Review
My friend Bob Levy lays out in detail why the provisions of the Obamacare individual mandate are unconstitutional and should be struck down by the Supreme Court. Since the mandate doesn’t meet the requirements of a tax, it cannot be seen as constitutional by the court’s interpretation of the powers of Congress. After thoroughly smashing the legality of the mandate, Bob makes the most important point, that the individual mandate is “an affront to personal liberty that will exacerbate our health-care problems.” – Dick Young
GOP Bid to Reclaim Senate Fuels Fight for Party’s Soul – Naftali Bendavid, The Wall Street Journal
Jim DeMint is bucking the party leadership and supporting true conservative candidates across the country. I support Senator DeMint in this endeavor and urge him to support Rand Paul in Kentucky. Senator John Cornyn has developed a strategy that might win seats for Republicans in many states across the country. However, the strategy would elect candidates no better—and maybe even worse—than the Democrats they replaced. – Dick Young
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