Today’s Top 3 Reasons to Keep the Pressure On – E.J. Smith
1. You know it’s a good sign for conservatives when President Obama has to visit Rhode Island, the bluest of the blue states, to try and save Patrick Kennedy’s seat from turning red.
2. The pressure is mounting. How else can you explain the President’s handling of his non-endorsement for governor? Democratic candidate Frank Caprio reacting to President Obama’s non-endorsement tells the WPRO radio host, “He (Obama) can take his endorsement and really shove it as far as I’m concerned.”
3. At the $7,500 per plate dinner at Arnold “Buff” and Johnnie Chace’s home President Obama said, “The unemployment rate might be 12 or 13 percent today had it not been for administration policies”. Memo to the President: It has been right around 12 or 13 percent here in Rhode Island. Which is why it’s so shocking to me how Rhode Islanders continue to vote for an all blue congressional delegation.
Election 2010 – Dick Young
During this week, the team here at will be ramping up our coverage of election 2010. We want to highlight the most important races in the country for you. Make sure you visit everyday through the election.
There are only seven days until America gets to remake itself. After electing Barack Obama and a Democratic supermajority in the Senate and a Nancy-Pelosi led majority in the House in 2008, Americans are looking at sustained 9.5% unemployment, deficits as far as the eye can see, and a mountain of proposed tax hikes.
On November 2nd Americans get to tell the government what kind of country they want – a free market democracy, or a socialist planned economy run by a quasi-elite in Washington D.C.
It’s easy to see that Americans are waking up. Look at West Virginia, where John Raese is in contention to beat popular Democratic governor Joe Manchin for the Senate seat there. In fact, the Democratic stronghold of West Virginia could send numerous conservatives to the Capitol Building in January. Chad Pergram writes at that “the seemingly-Democratic stronghold of West Virginia has the potential to elect a Republican to the Senate and send two new Republican Congressmen to Capitol Hill as well.”
West Virginia is only one case where Americans are stepping up to reject the Obama agenda. In Nevada Americans are giving perhaps the biggest rebuke of the year to Obama and his radical progressive cronies. Harry Reid is in the fight of his life to save his Senate seat from Sharron Angle. Reid has been the key mover of the radical Obama agenda in the Senate and should be put on a the first train out of Washington. Sharron Angle supports free markets and principled conservatism, just what America needs today.
The Federal Government Gets a Reason to Fight Inflation – Timothy Jones
On Monday the Treasury sold Treasury Inflation Protected Securities at negative yields, meaning that buyers expect inflation to be rapid enough to lift their yields into the positive range. That is scary enough as it is. But at least this gives the inflationists in the federal government and at the Federal Reserve a reason to keep inflation low. If they do, buyers of these TIPS will actually end up paying to lend money to the government.