Video – Bolton: ‘I’d Reverse all of Obama’s Policies’ – Jason Mattera, Human Events
John Bolton, though a thorough neocon, makes the valid point that in no way should Iran be treated in a cold war fashion, as the cold war was not a time anyone would want to replicate. The people of Iran understand that their government is representing a radical Islamist viewpoint and want change. The Obama administration should help foster that change, both for the freedom of the Iranian people and for the safety of Americans. – Dick Young
The United States vs. Arizona – Rich Lowry, National Review
According to Gallup polling, support for Barack Obama has fallen from 69 percent to 57 percent among Latinos. The same poll finds Obama’s support steady among whites and blacks. That’s why Barack Obama is using the attorney general’s office as a campaign headquarters by suing Arizona for its recently enacted immigration law. Arizona governor Jan Brewer has signed into law a bill that enforces federal law at the state level. The federal government, under both the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations have allowed a flood of illegal immigrants into the country with nary a peep because each saw the opportunity to create a new demographic of voters for his party’s base. The presidents have been playing politics with the lives of the ranchers along the border, and allowing the law to be disrespected for their own political gains. Obama wants amnesty, he told John Kyl as much. He wants to allow millions of illegal immigrants to have the same rights as you and me without undergoing any of the rigors of what it takes to become a citizen. Ridiculous is not a strong enough word. As for Attorney General Eric Holder, he should be drummed out of office for disregarding Arizona’s states rights. – Timothy Jones
Unemployment Benefits Aren’t Stimulus – Arthur B. Laffer, The Wall Street Journal
Art Laffer hits the nail on the head when he writes, “Employers don’t usually hire people to assuage their consciences. They hire people to make after-tax profits.” Congress and the president should immediately extend the Bush tax cuts to save Americans from a devastating tax increase in 2011. Right after they have completed that tasks, lowering the corporate tax rate is the top of business. The U.S. is losing the war for jobs because its taxes are much too high in comparison to its G-7 and G-20 competitors. A reduction to 15% today is called for, a reduction to 10% would make even more sense. An outright elimination would put the U.S. in an extremely attractive position to generate jobs and GDP growth. – Dick Young
The Berwick Evasion – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
Barack Obama appointed Donald Berwick to head up Medicare without sending Berwick to the Senate for confirmation. This is allowed by the Constitution during recesses of Congress, but the constitution only mandates that Congress work one day a year. Back in the days when that was a possibility, a recess appointment may have been reasonable, today when Congress is in Washington doing its dirty work most of the year, a recess appointment is simply a tricky way for the president to avoid confirmation hearings that might air out some of Berwick’s dirty laundry. Berwick is a major supporter of socialized healthcare. Berwick’s new office has major powers to shape the implementation of Obamacare and healthcare in the United States. That’s why Barack Obama wanted to assure that the office was held by a radical leftist who will follow the administration’s agenda without question. Berwick has already made it clear that he plans to ration healthcare. Are you tired of these “progressives” in the White House and Congress yet? – Dick Young
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