Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and the Pigs in the Senate – E.J. Smith
You don’t need to look much beyond the Senate defense bill shenanigans to get why Americans are fed up with politicians in Washington. Since when did the left’s radical social issues, and that’s exactly what they are, become more important than the defense of the nation? There is absolutely no reason why “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” should be the leading issue as an amendment for a defense spending bill not to mention the inclusion of amendments to repeal the ban on abortions performed in military hospitals (non-taxpayer funded), a measure allowing certain children of immigrants to obtain legal status called the DREAM Act, or repealing an obscure legislative move called secret “holds”. Senate Democrats, whose arrogance is embodied best by Senator Harry Reid’s “my way or the highway” attitude, stuffed this pig of a bill to gain political currency from liberals. And yes, somewhere in the bill it’s about defense spending. Once you do get beyond the social agenda slop two more amendments seem to be barely noticed and are ever more damaging in getting an important spending bill passed. Those amendments include funding for a second F-35 engine and more C-17 cargo planes both of which are not needed and a complete waste of your tax dollars. Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he’ll recommend a veto if they’re included. Yet, once again, his warning appears to have fallen upon the deaf ears of this special-interest driven Senate.
Political Update by Timothy Jones
In from New York is news that Carl Paladino is closing the gap in polling on Andrew Cuomo. That’s great news for the hard driving, out-spoken conservative. The Quinnipiac poll shows Paladino has narrowed the gap in polling to only 6 points. With over a month left until the election, anything could happen.
Commentary by Dick Young on Summers to Step Down by Jonathan Weisman and Elizabeth Williamson, The Wall Street Journal
Lawrence “Great in my own mind” Summers will be leaving the Obama administration after the elections. This is no surprise as most of the president’s economic team seem to be headed out the door. This confirms that the president’s economic policies have failed completely. Peter Orzsag, Christina Romer, now Larry Summers and, if rumor is to be believed, soon Tim Geithner are all casualties of the radical Marxist agenda being moved forward by Barack Obama. In the fashion of Stalin, Obama is purging the ranks, blaming his policy failures on his surrogates. This economic team had a total of 3.5 years of private sector experience between them (including Austan Goolsbee) so it should surprise no one that they haven’t been able to change the course on the economy. These economists have played right out of the Keynesian textbook, i.e. print more money, spend more money and the economy will revive. It is doubtful the president will replace this crew with anyone more qualified. On deck are even bigger spenders like Paul Krugman. Look for the president’s economic team to get worse before it gets any better.
Commentary by Timothy Jones on Medicare Czar Flees ‘Rationing’ Query by Jason Matterra, Human Events
Donald Berwick was appointed head of Medicaid and Medicare Services using a parliamentary trick that allowed him to bypass his constitutionally mandated Senate confirmation hearings. Americans, to this point, haven’t had the opportunity to hear anything from a man who represents them in their government. Jason Matterra tracked down Berwick and tried to get answers about a few of the more controversial positions Berwick has taken in the past about denying seniors treatment. Unfortunately Matterra wasn’t able to get much more information than the Senate. Here’s the video.