Commentary by Dick Young
John Gizzi of Human Events reports that polls of elections for six House seats held by Democrats in Pennsylvania are currently being led by Republicans. Taking those seats away from the Nancy Pelosi liberal bloc is essential for conservative success in the House. In the 11th District, Congressman Paul Kanjorski, whose constituents have sent to the House since the release of John Cougar Mellencamp’s “Jack and Diane” is behind in the polls. The outrage at incumbents like Kanjorski and at other political insiders is one more sign of Tea Party success. Removing entrenched incumbents should be priority number one for conservatives hoping to take this country back from the political barnacles that control the House and Senate. Term limits may be a good idea, but voting out incumbents is easier.
Another vital race in the state is the 12th District, formerly held by John Murtha. Voters elected Murtha’s top aide, liberal Mark Critz, to replace him only months ago in a special election. But it looks like they’ve had some buyer’s remorse and are poised to elect his opponent, Tim Burns. Critz and Murtha made the most powerful pork barreling team in politics, it should be no surprise that Pennsylvanians are ready to give Critz the boot.
These races in PA aren’t isolated events. In states all across the nation, including New York, Florida, and California, conservatives are set to take back a treasure trove of seats held by hard left liberals, and by the neutered Blue Dog coalition. November will be a conservative landslide that will push the Obama agenda out of reach, and end the reign of destruction of the Radical Progressive Movement.
Higher Taxes and Higher Gold Prices – E.J. Smith
You can blame Washington if there’s a double dip recession, because of their failure to act on expanding the Bush-era tax cuts and the recent trade restrictions approved by the House targeting China. This road is all too familiar and led to what Mr. Luskin’s chart depicts as the depression within the depression. Ms. Pelosi is wrong when she says expiring tax cuts will only affect 3% of small businesses when in reality 48% or more will be affected. It’s government redistribution taking productive money directly from a weak economy, and clearly breaks an Obama campaign promise. And what jobs are she and the AFL-CIO and UAW trying to bring back from China? Most will never be profitable without government subsidies. What’s more is the unintended consequences to the goods and services that the U.S. and China compete for. A stronger Yuan only makes the dollar cost of gold and oil higher. How can that or higher taxes be good for the U.S. economy?
Commentary by Timothy Jones
The Supreme Court is set to return to session, and the big news at the court is the arrival of new justice, Elena Kagan. The Obama-appointed Kagan will presumably represent the left-wing ideals of the current administration. I say presumably because Kagan has so little experience with constitutional law that her views are barely known to Americans.
Worst of all the news surrounding the Court is a proposal by Senator Pat Leahy to allow retired justices to fill in for sitting justices that have recused themselves from decisions. The idea that Senator Leahy has is that most retired justices are of a liberal bent, so they may tip the score on any issues where a conservative justice was recused. This is a highly dangerous law, not to mention unconstitutional, and should be rejected whole-heartedly by the same court it seeks to tamper with.
Commentary by Dick Young on The Lap Dog Coalition by Chris Chocola, The Wall Street Journal
The Blue Dog Democrat coalition, supposedly “conservative” Democrats, has been an abject failure in the House. Nancy Pelosi has castrated the coalition and ended any type of independence it had on spending, tax or debt matters. No conservative should fall for the lies told by Blue Dogs this November.
Commentary by Dick Young on Pelosi’s Vote to Adjourn Could Be Her Last Hurrah by Michael Barone, National Review
This story is related to the one about the Blue Dog coalition. Nancy Pelosi has guided the Democratic Party on the most liberal, radical path it has taken in the House since the days of FDR. Americans have had enough of her socialist agenda, and her ability to intimidate otherwise conservative congressmen into voting for all kinds of liberal special interest spending is hurting America. Let’s hope this is her last term in House leadership.
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