Hatch: Biden Gambit Will ‘Blow Up the Senate’ – Critical Condition, National Review
Seasoned Senate veteran Orin Hatch says that there are all kinds of ways the Senate could be shut down and that he knows them all. Regarding Nancy Pelosi and the House vote on health care, Hatch says that Pelosi admits she cannot solve the abortion issue. She doesn’t have the votes. – Dick Young
Stupak: There’s No Deal, And I Won’t Agree to a Promise to Fix the Bill in the Future – The Weekly Standard
Bart Stupak says his group of 12 is firm—there will be no “yes” vote on health care unless the abortion issue is resolved in advance. To date, no one has explained how this can be done. One thing is for sure: it cannot be done in reconciliation. – Dick Young
Why Obama Can’t Move the Health-Care Numbers – The WSJ
The facts are that 66% of voters think health care will lead to higher deficits and 78% say health care will mean higher middle-class taxes. Most voters believe Obamacare will harm the economy. Could it be any clearer why President Obama can’t build public support and move the numbers? Obamacare is a real nose-holder, and Americans know it. – Dick Young
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