Commentary by Dick Young on The Obama Economy by the editors of The Wall Street Journal
President Obama, in utter terror about the November elections, is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the economy to stimulate it before Americans head to the polls. The stimulus plans pushed by Larry Summers (President Obama’s economic advisor) were supposed to be “timely, targeted, and temporary.” That was, of course, until the Democrats looked like they were going to get a thrashing in the election. Now the administration is rolling out stimulus efforts like never before. None of which address the major factors holding business down today, like the uncertainty regarding the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, fear of the health care mandate and associated taxes, and fear of a currency whose footing is uncertain at best.
Commentary by Dick Young on The Republican Divide: K Street vs. Tea Partiers, by Ted Abram,
It’s the old guard of the Republican Party vs. the new Tea Partiers here. Senator Jim DeMint has led the effort to elect real conservatives to the Senate, not simply Republicans in Name Only (RINOs). Groups like Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks are acting as a bulwark against special interest money being used to elect RINOs. Join FreedomWorks to help fight the establishments of both parties and to take America back.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on How Government Unions Became So Powerful by Amity Shlaes, The Wall Street Journal
You have to wonder when the spending by the Obama administration will ever end. If we leave it to them it won’t as they request another $50 billion of your tax dollars to “Repave America”. These make work projects and pension contracts negotiated by the leaders of public unions will never lead to a vibrant economic recovery. Jobs are created by entrepreneurs who provide services or create products we didn’t realize we needed. No entrepreneur wants to start a business to support big government. Therefore, real jobs will not be created until we elect leaders that understand what Presidents Coolidge and Reagan did: government is the problem not the answer.
Comentary by Timothy Jones on Tea Party Pooper by John Fund, The Wall Street Journal
Christine O’Donnell is attempting to wrest the Senate nomination in Delaware away from presumptive GOP candidate Mike Castle. Castle is certainly what conservatives would call a RINO (a Republican in name only), but Ms. O’Donnell has had a shaky campaign. A win for O’Donnell would definitely be a bigger upset for the establishment than even that of Joe Miller in Alaska. Conservatives should keep their eye on this race, and on Ms. O’Donnell to see how things turn out in Delaware.
Commentary by Dick Young on Arizona’s Brewer Fires Back at U.N. by John Gizzi, Human Events
Hillary Clinton has told Cuban and Libyan members of the U.N. Human Rights Council that Arizona’s immigration laws are a “problem” that exists in our society. Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona is fighting back against Clinton’s assault on her state. Brewer wondered why no human rights violations have been part of any of the lawsuits against Arizona that have been filed by the Eric Holder led Department of Justice. That is a good question. Why is Hillary Clinton badmouthing an American state to the world if the government has even brought up the issue here at home? Thomas Jefferson argued against the United States’ participation in foreign affairs. Americans have a chance to elect conservatives this year who agree, like Rand Paul of Kentucky.
Commentary by Dick Young on Obama to Link Tax Plan, Hiring by Jonathan Weisman and Deborah Solomon, The Wall Street Journal
Democrats are split into three sides over what to do about the Bush tax cuts expiration. None of these sides would extend the tax cuts permanently and cut spending to shrink the deficit.
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