It is now a majority of Americans who distrust this president. Funny how bold-face lying about a massive boondoggle of a healthcare plan can do it to a president. Democrats have hit the panic ripcord as Obama’s ghastly job-killing healthcare plan begins to implode. The insurance industry is naïve if it thought this was not the Obama plan from the start. Let the rollout fail and blame the insurance industry. Then begin a plan for a fully government-run, single-payer healthcare system. Sounds exactly like a plan a Marxist-influenced, neighborhood-organizer like Obama would embrace. The Washington Times delivers some breaking news on America’s new distrust of Barack Obama.
A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday showed that congressional Republicans have erased a 9-point deficit in six weeks in a generic congressional ballot question, and are running even with Democrats. One of the main developments in the past six weeks was the rollout of Obamacare on Oct. 1.
Asked about the Quinnipiac poll’s findings that a majority of Americans for the first time find Mr. Obama untrustworthy, Mr. Carney said Washington as a whole is suffering from the fallout of the government shutdown and other failures.
“There is no question that the dysfunction in Washington that the American people have seen is taking its toll on everyone,” Mr. Carney said. “And while the president’s ratings are low for him, they’re sky high in comparison with Congress, and in particular Republicans in Congress. That’s not satisfactory to us, only because it reflects a feeling among the American people that this place is not working for them.”
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