Obamacon Doves vs. Hard-Money Heartland Hawks – Larry Kudlow, National Review
President Obama has appointed three easy-money wonks to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. The three will likely target unemployment rates over inflation rates and will follow chairman Ben Bernanke in his drive to reinflate the economy. The three new governors and Bernanke will keep the easy money rolling while the Radical Progressive Movement continues to borrow to finance its programs of wealth redistribution. – Dick Young
Obamacare Costs Hidden From Congress – Matt Hadro, Human Events
As it turns out, the actual costs of Obamacare were hidden from Congress before the vote. Newly released reports from Health and Human Services (part of the Obama administration) have estimated that costs will rise and the number of providers will decline because doctors seem to be in business to profit. Surprise, surprise. – Dick Young
The Big Alienation – Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal
As Peggy Noonan points out, Barack Obama has, as did George W. Bush, the power to control America’s borders if he wants to. But Bush did not, and Obama does not for the same reason: the fastest-growing demographic in America is the Hispanic vote. Whichever party comes down hard on illegal immigration loses that vote, perhaps for generations. While each party worries about its own prospects and fate, who is worrying about securing America’s borders? – Deborah Young
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