Tea Party Holds Tax Day Rallies – Christopher Guzman, Human Events
FreedomWorks Chairman Dick Armey will be giving a speech at the Washington D.C. tax day TEA Party today. Armey and FreedomWorks are leading the charge in the push to reduce the size and burden of government. For those who can’t make it to D.C. to attend the rally, they can watch it online here. – Dick Young
Arizona Clears Strict Immigration Bill – Miriam Jordan, The Wall Street Journal
The state of Arizona has sent a bill to its governor, Jan Brewer, that would allow police to ask anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrant for proof of legal residency. This is in stark contrast to the Radical Progressive Movement which will soon seek to implement “immigration reform.” This reform will come in a package labeled amnesty and add millions to the rolls of government welfare programs. Amnesty was a bad idea when John McCain supported it, and it’s an even worse idea now that all the illegal immigrants would gain access to Obamacare once amnesty kicked in. – Dick Young
Downsizing Government – Cato Institute
Take a look at Cato’s guide to downsizing government. Some of the places your money is going will surely surprise you and you’ll get an idea of the enormity of special interest back scratching that goes on in Washing D.C. – Timothy Jones
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