Originally posted December 11, 2013.
Thirteen people shot and wounded in 30 minutes, cries the media. Turns out eight were shot on one street. Probably in front of Nordstrom, right? Nope! Chicago has three problems that require resolution: Rahm Emanuel, lack of Ray Kelly-like law enforcement, and lack of a “concealed carry law”. Most states allow citizens to carry handguns for self-defense. Illinois and of course Chicago do not. Read Chicago: The Poster Child for Failed Gun Control.
It’s as if they live in some alternate universe – apparently, none of the city’s politicians have ever watched the History Channel’s illuminating series, “Gangland,” which makes it abundantly clear that inner city gangs are as heavily armed as ever. These brazen street thugs (including Chicago’s) merely laugh at gun laws, even boldly showing their guns to the interviewer, right on camera!
In stark contrast to Illinois and Chicago is the remarkable success of so-called “concealed carry laws” that are now the rule in 49 states. Most states have now implemented “shall-issue” laws that allow residents to carry handguns for self-defense. And contrary to the dire predictions of the anti-gun hysterics, the experience of these states has been uniformly, and overwhelmingly, positive – permit holders turn out to be MORE law-abiding than the average citizen, not less. It is a testament to their effectiveness that not a single state has ever repealed its carry law.
Yet time and again, whenever the citizens of Illinois, especially those in Chicago, even attempt to make it easier for the innocent residents to be able to defend themselves, the knee-jerk reaction from the political class is the same. They hysterically proclaim that letting the “good guys” carry guns will only result in “more blood in the streets” or similar irrational nonsense – seemingly ignoring the almost daily carnage that is the result of gangs who have absolutely no respect for any laws.
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