Marine Le Pen’s French Front National grabbed 25% of the French vote to easily roll over Francois Hollande’s Socialist party in the European elections. FN is strongly anti-EU and anti-immigration, especially from the Muslim world, the Third World, and Eastern Europe. Now FN is in a position to push for reform. Francois Hollande and the Socialists have sunk to a new low among French voters. I have seen this unfolding in France for years. The public is fed up not only with Hollande and the Socialists, but also with old guard politicians and old ways in general.
The Telegraph reports:
Marine Le Pen declared victory in European Union elections tonight as voters backed populist, far-Right and Left-wing parties in a backlash against immigration and the euro’s economic policies.
In a stunning defeat for the European political establishment, exit polls forecast that the French Front National, which wants to leave the euro and the EU, would win 25 per cent of the vote, more than ten points ahead of Francois Hollande’s Socialists.
The victory means that Miss Le Pen’s Front National will increase its number of MEPs from three to 24 in an earthquake for French and eurozone politics.
“Our people demand one type of politics: politics by the French, for the French, with the French. They don’t want to be led anymore from outside, to submit to laws,” said Miss Le Pen.
“Tonight is a massive rejection of the EU. What is happening in France prefigures what will happen in all European countries, the return of the nation.”
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