You know that feeling you get when you lose your phone? Or someone you’re with loses his or hers? It can happen to all of us. I’ve got a couple of good stories that may help you save the day.
I was skiing in Montana recently with five friends and while we were ripping down the backside through some trees, one of us got a little too greedy. It happens. You’re going for as many turns as you can get in some rare untracked powder before the trees get too thick, but before you realize it they are too thick it’s too tight to turn and you’re going fast–click go the skis and you tumble forward. Luckily you missed the trees and you’re thankful to be OK. At the bottom you get harassed for taking the biggest fall of the trip and as you take inventory your stomach drops–your iPhone’s gone.
We were going to give the iPhone to the mountain but then I suggested getting close to the fall area and calling the phone. Then I remembered how well the Find My iPhone app works. Let me tell you that story real quick.
Last March we were in Key West at the beach. We forgot something at the house and had it dropped off for us at the beach. As the Jeep left, we realized one of our iPhones was left on the hood–put there while we were talking. We downloaded the Find My iPhone app on one of our phones and sure enough a map of of Old Town Key West came up with the GPS beacon flashing. We could see it. Now we had to find it. We got in the car we had driven to the beach and the hunt was on. Dad go right. Dad drive faster. Dad hurry it’s getting away!
Back to Montana.
I gave my buddy my iPhone with the Find My iPhone app. Sure enough the GPS beacon lit up and we saw the iPhone was right in the area he fell. He skied close to the fall area. The GPS beacon was flashing. He called his phone. It rang once then crapped out. But the ring was loud enough to let him know where to dig. He dug and found it. One iPhone found…
Back to Key West.
We followed the blinking blue dot on GPS to the ferry terminal, ran to the dock with our heads down and stopped when we couldn’t go any further. We were at the end of dock. The GPS was flashing but the phone was long gone. Flashing off to sea with it’s new owner. One iphone lost…