Commentary by Dick Young on The Obama Heyday Is Over by Kimberley A. Strassel, The Wall Street Journal
While Barack Obama is still out campaigning against George Bush, the Democratic Party is out campaigning against him. The party has thrown Obama and Nancy Pelosi under the bus. How can Nancy Pelosi maintain control of the House when her own party members are actively insulting her in their campaign ads? How the tune changes when congressmen must go home to their districts, hats in hand, asking for the votes of their very angry constituents. The Cook Political report has designated 49 congressional races as Toss Ups, with only three currently held by Republicans. That’s a nasty balance for the Democrats to overcome, trying to spread their resources out to protect 46 districts. Those aren’t the only districts under fire to be sure, there are already numerous Democratic held districts that Cook Political views as going to the GOP. A new day is certainly coming in Washington. Kim Strassel believes that even if the Democrats somehow hold a majority Barack Obama will not be able to govern as he has until now, with no regard for the constitution.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on The Obama Heyday Is Over by Kimberley A. Strassel, The Wall Street Journal
You can be certain President Obama is not apt to move to the middle even with Democrats running from his agenda. Back to that in a minute. My question for Dems seeking re-election is where were you when it counted? As for those who didn’t prop up this administration’s reckless policies, will you be lap dogs too? Obama is a community organizer straight from the Alinsky mold. Alinksy bullied the successful into submission. Isn’t it revealing that Car Czar Steve Rattner seemed to turn pale when he witnessed this with his own eyes? Here’s what Rattner writes, reported by The Huffington Post, in his yet to be released book “Overhaul”: “Later, when Obama was informed of the plan to give ousted GM Chief Rick Wagoner $7.1 million, his jaw muscles tightened and Rattner writes: ‘Suddenly I felt that I was indeed in the presence of a community organizer…’”
Commentary by Timothy Jones on Why We’re in for a Long, Hard Economic Slog by Steven Gjerstad and Vernon Smith, The Wall Street Journal
Gjerstad and Smith say that without a recovery in housing, the economy is going nowhere. Anyone who thinks the economy is still in “recovery” is not witnessing the vacant storefronts and Home For Sale signs everywhere. The job market is going nowhere. President Obama completely wasted the original stimulus package. It should never have been created, but once passed it should have been almost exclusively targeted at major infrastructure projects (that does not include repaving small town streets). The majority of job loss was in the construction industry. Major construction of infrastructure would have kept more of those construction workers in a job, which means they would still be paying taxes, and supporting state tax revenues. Instead, the Obama administration bypassed the construction workers entirely and simply gave the money to the states, keeping unionized state workers on payrolls, and leaving construction workers at home on their couch.
Commentary by Dick Young on U.S. slips in WEF’s Competitiveness Rankings, Aileen Wang and Alan Wheatley, Yahoo! News
Switzerland has climbed to the top of the World Economic Forum’s list of most competitive countries. The U.S. unfortunately has slipped to fourth. The decline was precipitated by the massive debts owed by the U.S. The debt is creating an air of uncertainty around the future of the U.S. in the minds of businesses and investors. America must have a government that will reduce uncertainty among business owners, and create a stable investment environment.
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