In his book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures, Shane Ellison, M.S. informs readers,
If high blood pressure was dangerous, then lowering it with hypertension drugs would increase lifespan. Yet, I couldn’t find a single clinical trial showing that hypertension medications increased lifespan among users of these drugs when compared with nonusers. In fact, many times, low blood pressure decreased it. It is completely natural for the first number (systolic) to be 100 plus our age.” Before you take on risky meds, you’ll want to know about the natural occurring medicine that can bust clots, control blood pressure, and at the same time strengthen the heart.
Unlike cardiovascular drugs, hawthorn doesn’t “melt” the cardiovascular system and isn’t toxic, which means it won’t cause any bad adverse effects.
In chapter four, Natural Cures explains that all of the benefits from hawthorn translate into the clinically significant prevention of chronic cardiovascular and heart conditions. Hawthorn can successfully be used to treat heart failure hypertension, angina, excess blood clotting, and cardiac arrhythmias.
I take a daily formula of hawthorn, garlic, grape seed extract and magnesium citrate (spray) as part of my ongoing heart health program.
Hypertension | High Blood Pressure | Natural Hypertension Cure
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