Our One-Term President – Tom Bethell, The American Spectator
The economy is still in big trouble, and with Barack Obama in office for nearly 20 months, it’s getting harder and harder to play the “blame Bush” card. It looks like Barack Obama’s time in office will be limited to one term, if he doesn’t resign first. Without a clear move on the Bush tax cuts this year, President Obama and his Democratic allies are hampering the economic recovery. Who wants to hire when they aren’t sure what tax rates they’ll be looking at next year? – Dick Young
Food Stamps or Paychecks? – Newt Gingrich, Human Events
More than an eighth of Americans are using food stamps to buy food. Newt says that Americans should vote this November based on more paychecks, not more foodstamps. The number of foodstamps being handed out under Nancy Pelosi’s House has skyrocketed. Rather than creating jobs, Democrats are adding more Americans to the public dole. Is that what Americans want? To be beholden to the government for money, food, housing and more? I don’t think so. Conservative leadership will create jobs in America using free market principles. – Dick Young
Terrorists Capitalize on Pakistan’s Floods – Marisa Porges, The Wall Street Journal
Since 1948, Pakistan has considered its neighbor India to be it’s largest security threat. Now, according to Pakistan’s military spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence or ISI, a more imminent security threat comes from within Pakistan. That’s right; Pakistan is under attack from its homegrown Islamist militants that are also killing American troops in Afghanistan. Terrorists in Pakistan isn’t breaking news, but as we turn a blind eye to the Pakistani military’s failure in reigning in these Haqqani sponsored thugs, even more terrorists are created from within through their charitable efforts in saving flood victims. Why are we not heading this charitable effort? – E.J. Smith
The Great American Bond Bubble – Jeremy Siegel and Jeremy Schwartz, The Wall Street Journal
The grotesque running of the printing press had to show up in a bubble somewhere. Today, it is showing up in treasury and stock prices. The authors, Siegel and Schwartz, cherry-pick a few big company stocks and tout their yields. While I agree that big high-yielding blue chips are the way to go regarding stocks, stocks are not cheap by any means. The Dow yield, at 2.6%, is far below the long-term average of about 4.25%. The authors maintain that, according to economists, productivity is the key metric of what is happening in this business cycle. There are two problems with that position. First, the record of most economists is horrid, as they persist in measuring an economy that does not exist. Readers may wish to check the stock charts of Amazon versus Dell and Microsoft to get a taste of what I mean. Second, in the authors’ piece, I see no mention of the Marxist-influenced radical progressive movement (RPM) or of the most destructive administration and Congress in my lifetime. Any small business owner with sense has done the math and by now realizes that we are perilously close to a rerun of the John Galt scenario. It will take you no more than 20 minutes to run through Karl Marx’s playbook. Check his nifty 10 measures to revolutionize the mode of production and then take a deep breath. You’ll feel a knot in the pit of your stomach as a haze of reality no doubt overwhelms you. The American public, and assuredly the liberal base and young people, have been hoodwinked. It is just that simple. The authors may or may not be in the hoodwinked camp, but to omit the most stunning factor underpinning the downturn in America and the American economy may just bring one up a little short in terms of strategy. Newt Gingrich on the other hand has read the Manifesto (I presume) and has most likely read Milton Friedman’s Free to Choose, Goldwater’s Conscience of a Conservative, and Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. A reading of each as a companion to the Communist Manifesto allows one the luxury of actually understanding the direction America is heading under the Obama-fronted RPM. Quite a contrast to the direction outlined by Friedman, Goldwater and most certainly Thomas Jefferson. – Dick Young
AP Poll: Obama at New Low for Handling Economy – Liz Sidoti, Yahoo! News
With the economy in the tank such as it is, it would be more surprising if the president were receiving good marks for his administration. – Dick Young
Egg Recall – Keira Bresnahan, KREXTV.com
If you still needed a reason to leave the Big Box store nightmare, how about this. Millions of eggs being recalled due to salmonella worries. These brands have been affected, Lucerne, Albertson’s, Mountain Dairy, Ralph’s, Boomsma’s, Sunshine, Hillandale, Trafficanda, Farm Fresh, Shoreland, Lund, Dutch Farms and Kemp. – Dick Young
Border Rally Media Gallery – Robert M. Engstrom, Human Events
Americans rally at the border to see Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Particularly interesting at the event were the three moms, all immigrants, who have sons fighting in Iraq. The three moms entered the country legally and expect others to do the same. That’s not too much to ask right? I know that the immigration process is hard, and that it may be expensive, but that is how the laws are set up and until they are changed, everyone should be living by them. – Timothy Jones
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