President Biden’s approval rating has plummeted to 36 percent among independents, writes Philip Klein of the National Review. He writes (abridged):
President Biden’s approval rating has cratered to 36 percent among independents after his disastrous handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, according to a new NPR/PBS/Marist poll.
Overall, the poll found that Biden’s approval is just 43 percent, with 51 percent disapproving. That is a staggering net swing of 13 points since July, when the same poll found a plurality of Americans approved of the job he was doing, 49 percent to 44 percent.
But it’s among independents where Biden has significantly lost ground, with 55 percent disapproving. Specifically, 71 percent of independents disapprove of Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.
In the recent political era, with Americans much more divided into strict partisan camps, we are not used to seeing such dramatic swings in presidential approval ratings, especially when it comes to foreign policy, which tends to get tuned out. That’s what makes what’s happened to Biden over the course of a few weeks that much more stunning.