Obamacare devotee Senator Pryor has failed Arkansas by voting for the job-killing O’Care monster. Pryor has turned his back on Arkansas and teamed up with one of the most far left radical politicians in American history, Barack Obama. The voters in Arkansas should send Pryor packing next fall and turn out en masse to do so. The Wall Street Journal explains how Democrats could lose their last toeholds in the South.
The ability of Democrats to keep control of the Senate in 2014 will depend largely on elections in southern states like Arkansas. One measure of the difficulties facing the party is that even a lawmaker like Mr. Pryor, a Scripture-quoting evangelical, is viewed by some conservative voters with suspicion.
Three of the four most vulnerable Senate Democrats in the 2014 election are from the South. Mr. Pryor and Sens. Kay Hagan of North Carolina and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana—as well as Democratic candidates in Kentucky and Georgia—must contend with the dismal approval ratings of President Barack Obama in their home states. They face increased political pressure from the problem-ridden rollout of the health-care law.
Republicans believe Arkansas is their best shot at knocking off an incumbent, making Mr. Pryor a prime target in the battle for control of the chamber. The GOP needs to add six seats to win a majority in the Senate, an achievable but far-from-certain goal. It is hard to see how they could hit that mark if they can’t win here.
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