Judge Blocks Arizona Law – Miriam Jordan, The Wall Street Journal
A Phoenix judge blocked Arizona from enforcing its immigration law, yet. Right now the judge has determined that since it is, apparently, the responsibility of the federal government to enforce immigration law, that Arizona is not allowed to try. That thought must tickle a number of people in the Arizona statehouse and other statehouses around the country where state governments are hard pressed to uphold unfunded federal mandates and toe the line on the federal government’s “War on Drugs” policy that sucks up state resources like none-other. It looks like Arizona will have to sue the federal government to enforce immigration law if it wants to make progress on dealing with the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in the state. Do you think the federal government will send agents and troops to Arizona in a bid to cover the same ground that Arizona’s police forces already cover in a day? I doubt it. John Kyl has explained exactly where the administration stands on immigration reform, and that is to use it as a political tool to get everything it wants. There is no thought in the Obama administration of protecting Americans from illegal immigration, only protecting the Democratic party during future elections. The radical progressive administration of Barack Obama is having success in slowing the number of illegal immigrants into the U.S. That success is driven by the president’s destruction of the U.S. economy, he’s destroying the jobs illegal immigrants come to the U.S. to find. That’ll show ‘em. – Dick Young
House Democrats Head for a Thumping at the Polls – Michael Barone, National Review
Republicans are leading Democrats 45 to 41 percent in generic ballot polls. In a country as ideologically split down the middle as the U.S., 4% is a gulf that will be hard to cross for Democrats by the time November rolls around. With a wave of American voters turning on Barack Obama, look for his party to get hammered in November. Here’s a list of the top races of 2010. – Timothy Jones
Why Are We Beginning to Hate Congress? – Victor Davis Hanson, National Review
Nancy Pelosi’s approval rating is near 10%. Are you surprised by that? I doubt anyone that has been following her and her Congress’ wasteful record is at all surprised. Pelosi & Co. in the 111th Congress have done everything they can to further turn America into a socialist state. Harry Reid is in the same boat, but seems to be competitive in his reelection race against Sharron Angle. That means Americans don’t like Reid at all, but Nevadans seem to. How could that be? If you know some one in Nevada, maybe you should call them up and try to figure out an answer to this question. It probably relates to pork barreling and federal dollars that Reid has brought home. After the stimulus package passed, Nevadans got a lot closer to having their own high-speed rail system from Las Vegas to California. That was a giant gift from uncle Harry. But beyond the perks and pork, why are Nevadans voting for big-government, big-regulation, big-politics Harry Reid? – Dick Young
Challenging the Legality of Obamacare – Lance Davis, Human Events
Independent conservatives represented by the U.S. Citizens Association have sued to block Obamacare. They won’t be bought off or intimidated and are using the 1st amendment of the constitution to challenge Obamacare. Good luck to them. – Dick Young
Taxes: A Defining Issue – Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal
Anyone not yet convinced that the President is planning to raise taxes significantly is not paying very much attention. The “bipartisan” commission currently reviewing ways to reduce the deficit will be President Obama’s rubber stamp on tax increases. He will surely hem and haw that he didn’t want to raise taxes on the middle class, but then he will agree with the commission that, barring politically unpalatable spending cuts, taxes on the middle class are the only way to stem the outrageous deficits his administration has built. As Mr. Henninger points out, there is another way to make America prosperous without taxing the hell out of small businesses and the middle class, that way is to make America a competitive economy once again by liberalizing it. Fewer taxes, less regulation, and less government monkey wrenching (i.e. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac) can put American business back on a sustainable path toward competitiveness. – Timothy Jones
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