Point of No Return? – National Review
Mr. Sowell explains that Washington politicians will now have both access to your confidential medical records and the power to withhold medical care from you. Obamacare has been corruptly jammed through Congress without any of the committee hearings or extended debates that are the hallmarks of such massive legislation. Indeed, as Mr. Sowell concludes, “The 2010 election may be the last chance to halt the dismantling of America. It can be the point of no return.” – Dick Young
Healthcare Reform: This Will Not Stand – Human Events
As Newt observes, the 2010 and 2012 elections will be among the most important elections in American history. Americans will have the chance to get rid of a left-wing “machine of unparalleled corruption, arrogance, and cynicism.” My big concern is how the opposition is going to be organized. I don’t see the TEA party movement buying in to another round of Bush/McCain Republicanism. I look for conservatives to rally around Dick Armey, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh, not the entrenched, old-line Republican leadership. – Dick Young
Deneen Borelli: “TEA Party Must Stop EPA’s Back-Door CO2 Regulations” – FreedomWorks.org
Ramming climate regulation through the back door is the next scheme targeted by the Obama-fronted Radical Progressive Movement (RPM). Rank-and-file Democrats simply have no idea that their party has been hijacked by a socialist/Marxist movement. For the foul flavor of what’s going on, read E.J. Smith’s terrific series of Obama czar profiles. Coming soon—soaring energy prices and job destruction! – Dick Young
The Cost Of Defying Obamacare: $2,250 a Month and IRS Goons Pointing Guns at Your Family – PrisonPlanet.com
Acquiring Shotguns – FedBizOpps.gov
Just why is the IRS soliciting quotations on 60 Remington Model 870 Police RAMAC #24587 12-gauge pump-action shotguns for the Criminal Investigation Division? These are terrifying full-bore riot guns. – Dick Young
States Plot to Block, Limit Health Care Reform Law – FOXNews.com
In my home state of Florida, Attorney General Bill McCollum has already delivered not only Florida’s challenge, but challenges from 12 other states as well. The tactics employed everywhere from Arizona to Virginia are the strongest sign that the fight against health-care reform is far from over. And as Berger notes, “At least 36 state legislatures so far have proposed measures to challenge the constitutionality of the new federal bill.” The article allows you to click to the National Conference of States Legislatures for complete details. – Dick Young
We’ve Crossed the Rubicon – PajamasMedia
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