Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S., has created one of the most vital books on the health of your family you will ever find, The 150 Healthiest Food on Earth. The lavishly illustrated, 358-page weighty tome gives you more vital information on foods that can keep your family healthy than any other publication I have ever come across. And I am always on the look out. I have given the book to family members and often advise it for others. My goal here is pass on ideas that perhaps you did not previously know about.
Almonds: Almonds are rich in heart healthy monosaturated fat—about 70%. Almonds are high in protein, dietary fiber, phosphorous, calcium, vitamin E, and magnesium. Almonds contain few carbohydrates and, as Jonny points out, are the perfect food for diabetics and those with blood sugar issues.
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