At, Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses the work of Dr. Thomas Levy, whose new book, Rapid Virus Recovery (free online) details his experience with nebulizing hydrogen peroxide. Mercola writes:
Levy has suffered with lifelong sinus problems and about a year and a half ago, while doing research for his book on magnesium, he came across nebulization with magnesium chloride, which sparked his interest.
As a result of his research, he began nebulizing with hydrogen peroxide and noticed “incredible changes in my health” almost immediately, including the reversal of his chronic sinus problems. So, after finishing his magnesium book, he took a deep dive into nebulization. “Rapid Virus Recovery” is the result of that journey.
“Just about the time the pandemic hit was when I really had my most compelling compilation of evidence for what nebulization with hydrogen peroxide can do,” he says. “And as I point out in the book, this is not just for common cold. It is for any respiratory virus.
I make the assertion — and I don’t generally make assertions that I can’t back up — that nobody needs to suffer with a cold or the flu again, unless you wait too long before nebulizing. Nevertheless, you’ll still recover much quicker after you do this.”
If you don’t have any chronic medical condition, Levy suggests nebulizing hydrogen peroxide two to three times a week for one to three minutes. If you have a chronic health condition, you’ll want to do it more frequently. For acute symptoms, you’ll typically want to nebulize for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.
For more details, be sure to download Levy’s book, “Rapid Virus Recovery.” It’s a free download. Also be sure to share it with your friends, family and social networks. Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is a simple, inexpensive way to improve your health and safeguard against viral infections of all kinds, and anyone can use it.
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