An upcoming conference held by the MIT Technology Review will investigate some of the ongoing questions about artificial intelligence, including how to control it. In a recent email about its forthcoming EmTech Digital conference, the MIT Technology Review wrote:
From V-JEPA to Sora, methods for teaching machines to model the physical world by watching videos is an important step toward the vision Meta’s Chief AI Scientist, Yann LeCun, outlined at EmTech 2023. LeCun’s and Meta‘s goal is “to build advanced machine intelligence that can learn more like humans do, forming internal models of the world around them to learn, adapt, and forge plans efficiently.”
But let’s not rush into things here. Initial amazement with these models quickly evolves into concerns about data ownership, privacy, and uneasy discussions on career impact and job loss. The question on everyone’s mind now is: What’s next?
Amazing advancements and cautious concerns take center stage at MIT Technology Review’s EmTech Digital events, as we all strive to harness the power of generative AI.
Read more here.
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