Instead of blaming members of BLM or Antifa for the carnage in American cities, Joe Biden is blaming President Trump and White Supremacists. Inez Stepman of the Federalist reports that Sean Trende at RealClearPolitics does an “excellent job combing through decades of election messaging and concludes that the riots could still harm either candidate, despite Trump’s incumbency.”
The Republican argument will be “the people rioting in Portland and Seattle and Kenosha are not Trump supporters, and he will be more likely to stop them.”
It may not be fair (most Antifa supporters don’t care for Biden either), and it certainly may not work.
We’ll have to wait for more polling to know for certain, which, fortunately, we should get in the next few days. It would be a mistake, however, to assume that voters will blame this on the incumbent this time.
Learn more about BLM and the Marxist agenda to transform America in 2020 and burn the place down from Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul. And read about how many Americans have been duped by the BLM movement and its terrorist leaders.