The leaders of Germany and France have attacked Twitter for banning President Donald Trump from using the site. Chris Field reports for The Blaze:
Following the riots at the U.S. Capitol last week, activists put extreme pressure on social media companies to ban President Donald Trump — and some of his supporters — from their platforms.
Big Tech acquiesced, and by Friday night, Twitter had permanently banned Trump, Facebook and Instagram suspended him indefinitely, and Snapchat disabled his account. Shopify and Twitch both suspended and banned any accounts even related to President Trump. PayPal, Discord, Tiktok, YouTube, Pinterest, Google, and Apple have taken actions against Trump, his supporters, and any activities or content related to the president.
Naturally, the president has received support from well-known figures on the right — regardless of whether they were on board with his claims of massive election fraud that led to Wednesday’s protests and riots — who denounced Big Tech’s efforts to silence the president.
Even the ACLU came out against the de-platforming of the president.
Now the president is getting backing from a couple of unexpected places across the pond: Germany and France.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday through chief spokesman Steffen Seibert that Twitter’s Trump ban is a problem and that corporations should not be messing with free speech, Fortune reported.
“The chancellor sees the complete closing down of the account of an elected president as problematic,” Seibert said, according to Fortune, adding that the freedom of speech “can be interfered with, but by law and within the framework defined by the legislature — not according to a corporate decision.”
Read more here.