By Novikov Aleksey @ Shutterstock.com
In LewRockwell.com, Paul Craig Roberts asks “Why the rush for a vaccine with so many issues when there are two known inexpensive cures for Covid?” He writes:
Is there no flu this year or is flu “the second wave of Covid?
Don’t expect any honest answer from health authorities. They have the fear running strong, so strong that people are submitting to needless lockdowns that are causing economic havoc to their lives and to mask mandates that do more harm than good.
What is it all about?
Is it simply about vaccine profits for Big Pharma?
Or is it about getting people accustomed to arbitrary orders unsupported by legislation? Isn’t what we are experiencing a takeover of our lives by the executive part of government?
Or is it about reducing human fertility? Experts report that the American vaccine contains anti-fertility elements that will make a percentage of the female population infertile. Why is there no public discussion of this? There are also expert concerns about the novelty of the way the vaccine is supposed to work. It is an approach never before used and has not had sufficient trials to know the consequences.
Why the rush for a vaccine with so many issues when there are two known inexpensive cures for Covid? HCQ and ivermectin are inexpensive proven cures with far fewer side effects than the vaccine. Yet “health authorities” in league with Big Pharma prevent their use.
British health authorities claim that a new more highly contagious strain of Covid has broken out. This frightens people, but no claim has been made that the new strain—perhaps only the seasonal flu—has a higher death rate.
The presstitutes keep the fear pressure on. 300,000 dead Americans are claimed. But the CDC’s own data shows that almost all the deaths ascribed to Covid corresponded to the presence of 2.6 comorbidities. In other words, if a person dies, the death is blamed on Covid regardless of the cause.
The Covid hype has all the hallmarks of a conspiracy.
Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how Americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House.
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