By Maridav @ Shutterstock.com
San Fran’s Mayor London Breed is following Governor Gavin Newsom’s footsteps. Recently Ms. Breed attended an indoor birthday party along with eight others at the celebrated French Laundry in Napa.
Three days later, the SF mayor banned indoor dining, saying,
“I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that everyone act responsibly to reduce the spread of the virus. Every San Franciscan needs to do their part so that we can start moving in the right direction again.”
Even as every American is being asked to make sacrifices in order to stop the spread of COVID, politicians continue on with their privileged lifestyles.
Daniel Henninger (WSJ) writes on why scientists at Big Pharma deserves the world’s gratitude for creating the Coronavirus vaccines.
People have been remarkably good at holding up their side of the social-consent bargain with public authorities through the pandemic, but that is breaking down. After nearly a year of chaotic handling of the crisis by U.S. states and European governments—not least the spectacle of public officials personally violating their own directives — we are on the edge of tipping into widespread civil disobedience. The vaccines are arriving, by one notable example, just as the belligerent New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is wearing out his welcome.
President Trump has largely disappeared into his postelection challenges, but officials of the Trump administration, notably Vice President Mike Pence and the head of Operation Warp Speed, Moncef Slaoui —whose expertise grew from three decades with GlaxoSmithKline —deserve more credit than they are receiving for the vaccines’ imminent deliverance from Covid-19.