Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, tells readers that Trump’s greatest flaws during his tenure as president were staffing failures. He writes in (abridged):
In 2016 I predicted that Trump’s presidency would fail, because Trump had no idea who to appoint to his government and, therefore, would end up staffed with the establisment that he intended to overthrow. That is exactly what occurred.
In his entire four years Trump only made one good appointment—General Flynn—and Trump did not have the wits to stand by him.
Trump’s Justice Department appointments were the worst imaginable. It is hard to imagine worse appointments than Sessions, Barr, Rosenstein, and Wray. It took Trump forever to get rid of Obama’s Comey, only to appoint an even worse FBI director—Christopher Wray.
A majority of Republicans support Trump for president in 2024. But would it be any different in a second Trump term? Probably not. Trump has surely learned much about Washington. But where would he get non-establishment people with whom to create a government, and how could he get them confirmed in office by the Establishment Senate? Fat chance.
Trump is a populist, but the country is too far gone for that. A revolutionary is required, and the revolutionaries are all on the anti-white woke left.
Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House. Visit his website.
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