Originally posted October 10, 2018.
In The American Conservative, Pat Buchanan praises President Donald Trump for his historic defeat of Democrats, a triumph he says may “secure for constitutionalism—perhaps for decades.” He also hands out praise to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for maintaining enough unity among Republicans to get Kavanaugh confirmed. Pat writes (abridged):
After a 50-year siege, the great strategic fortress of liberalism has fallen. With the elevation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court seems secure for constitutionalism—perhaps for decades.
The Democratic Party has sustained a historic defeat.
And the triumph is President Trump’s.
To unite the party whose nomination he had won, Donald Trump pledged to select his high court nominees from lists prepared by such judicial conservatives as the Federalist Society. He kept his word .
Last week, in one of the closest and most brutal court battles in Senate history, McConnell kept his troops united.
This was a huge victory for conservatism and for the Republican Party. And the presence on the court of octogenarian liberals Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer, both appointed by Bill Clinton, suggests that McConnell may have an opportunity to ensure the endurance of his great achievement.
For the Democratic Party, the Kavanaugh battle was Little Bighorn, as seen from General Custer’s point of view.
Read more here.
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