Writing at The American Spectator, writer, actor, economist, and lawyer, Ben Stein (of Ferris Bueller fame) tells readers that the Blasey Ford/Feinstein attack on Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a political hit job. With no credible evidence surfacing to support Ford’s claims, it’s hard to disagree with Stein. He writes (abridged):
I don’t understand how this whole business with Brett Kavanaugh should have descended to such depths.
Here we have a man who was and is a top notch legal scholar. Unimpeachable judicial credentials. Yale Law School (where I also went). Not a blemish against him. Family man. Friends to all who need him. Religious man.
Perfect for the Supreme Court. And here’s this woman who comes out of the shadows and alleges a “sexual” attack on her when she was 15 and he was 17, both drinking under age at a party in the suburbs of D.C.
The woman is now in her fifties. She didn’t report that “attack” for over thirty years. Then when she did report it, she could not recall where it supposedly happened. Could not recall how she got there. Could not recall how she got home. And her reporting of this incident goes to a U.S. Senator who sits on it until the 59th minute of the 11th hour of Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
And we’re supposed to believe her.
Sorry. It won’t wash clean.
It’s all a political hit job. It’s a character assassination of the lowest sort in the guise of patriotism.
It is a set-up from Day One when Senator Feinstein made her first allegations. No credible evidence. No nothing, except the word of a woman who inexplicably kept silent about it for 36 years.
Read more here.
Ben Stein as Economic Teacher in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”
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