The first rule of “guns and home defense” is to know the gun laws in your state. By example, in Florida, Texas, Wyoming, and Vermont you will like what you read. In California, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey you will not.
Get your training before you get your guns. I advise the NRA’s handgun safety course.
If you are a novice with guns, purchase guns that offer beginners ease of use. Do not attempt to place yourself on the same footing as professionals like the military or the police.
For starters, I would avoid an AR-15, AK-47, shotgun or.45 caliber handgun.
Unlike the truly lame advice “shotgun” Joe Biden offered his wife Jill, by example, you will not, to be kind, fare well with a shotgun.
And each of the other firearms listed above offers more firepower than the homeowner is likely to find of comfort. Despite the issue of comfort, the homeowner is not likely to enjoy the look of what’s left of the family home after some home defense pyrotechnics. Granny’s antiques may have taken on a look of kindling.
In part II I will get you started with exactly the guns and ammo I would own. I own everything I will advise for you and for that matter each of the firearms above that, with years of experience I advise are likely to make you and the family uncomfortable.
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