You can’t beat crazy. And it’s hard to fight stupid. We all, however, can keep the federal government out of the mix when it comes to debating the issues of guns.
Before you even begin to stake out your debate position against federal government interference, controls and gross mismanagement, read the original Articles of Confederation of 1778.
The politicians, including President Trump, the liberal mass media, and hysterical fringe groups on the right as well
as on the left will muddy the debate water beyond tolerability unless some hardball guidelines, agreed to by all parties, are put in place prior to an honest debate.
I spend more time on the issue of self-defense preparation than do most Americans. My efforts include in-depth reading on the specific areas I’ve determined are the most sensitive regarding the subject of guns.
When it comes to an emotionally charged issue like guns, there most certainly are benefits to be gained by all Americans for a civil, guideline-structured discourse.
I have drawn up a sensitive issues gun menu that I will begin to discuss in Part II of this series. Topping my menu is a look at federal and state government involvement or lack thereof. I have constructed my own position largely from wording in the original Articles of Confederation signed by, among other states rights supporters, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Elbridge Gerry, and the often forgotten John Dickinson of Delaware.
Originally posted March 1, 2018.
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