BRIGHT editor Lisa De Pasquale shares a story from Phoenix radio host and author Mike Broomhead:
The best moments I’ve shared with Senator McCain were when he was just talking about his time as a POW. One of the best is when he talked about a code he and the other POWs would tap on the walls to each other. He tapped on the desk where we were sitting and showed me how they would communicate. I said, “Wait a minute. Wait a minute. We’ve got to talk about this on the air.”
We scrapped everything planned for the interview about foreign policy, and taxes, and everything else, and I just asked him about those stories.
Basically, he and the other POWs broke the alphabet into three segments. The first tap was whether the letter was in segment one, two, or three. Then, it was which letter it was in the alphabet from there. Instead of the word “and,” they would just hit the letter “N” to abbreviate it. I said to Senator McCain, “You guys were text messaging on the walls of the Hanoi Hilton.”
He laughed about it. “Yeah, I guess we were.”
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