Since I was born, there have been twelve U.S. Presidents. I’ve been in the homes of two, one has been in my home, and some have sent me personal, handwritten correspondence. They include JFK, Jimmy Carter, Eisenhower, and both Bushes.
Ever since I was a child, I knew quite a bit about our country’s current Presidents, as did most people. But, regarding our existing President, I know little. So, to tell the reader why that is, I will paraphrase an open letter to Obama sent to (but not published by) the New York Times from a well-known corporate executive.
Here are just ten things Dave Hammer does or does not know:
1) Although born in Hawaii, Obama did not spend his formative years in the U.S., so I question his ability to understand the “American Dream.”
2) I don’t know by what means he paid for his Ivy League education, since I don’t know anything about where he, or his family, earned income.
3) He was never in the military, but he is our Commander-in-Chief.
4) He never ran a company or had to meet a payroll and has had no training in economics but he and his appointees direct the country’s economic future.
5) He has never seemed sincere or humble, despite his talent for political rhetoric, and only blames his predecessors for the country’s woes.
6) He spent many years aligned with radical extremists and frequently blames America for many of the world’s problems.
7) He is a control-freak who, along with Pelosi, rammed socialized healthcare down the throats of a public when the majority was against government control.
8) He has shown all the evidence necessary to prove that he strongly believes in a bigger government sector of the economy and smaller private sector.
9) He seems to believe he is omnipotent and omniscient and won’t listen to intelligent people who know more about economics and world politics if they hold an opposing view.
10) He wants to penalize risk-takers and hard workers and reward those who are just, “along for the ride.”