Consensus Orthodox Science Lacks Evidentiary Support
Francis Menton, aka The Manhattan Contrarian, warns on his website how any science that doesn’t take into account all available evidence and reasonable criticisms has almost no chance of being right. In the past year or so, Americans have been plagued by the “fake consensus orthodox science.”
The Futility of Double Masking
Everything from government misinformation to vaccines, to natural immunity, and much more was all unfavorable to the bureaucratic response and to consensus orthodox science. For example, there was a complete lack of evidence supporting the six-foot distancing rule and masking for the Coronavirus.
The Biden (administration) has been all in on the wrong side of both of these subjects. The Biden-led government has, among many other things, provided vast funding to the agencies promulgating the orthodox positions, issued regulations to hamstring any opposition, used its megaphone to characterize dissenters as crazy or “fringe,” organized a censorship complex to silence critics, and taken the side of the orthodoxy in various court cases.
Mr. Menton, who also tackles transgenderism in this post, grapples with Coronavirus, its origins and responses. As Menton notes, the fundamental problem is that the “consensus” orthodox science lacks evidentiary support.
It would be a safe bet in just about any case to wager that consensus orthodox science is wrong. Science that doesn’t take account of all available evidence and of reasonable criticisms has almost no chance of being right. Someday, perhaps those lessons will be learned in the biggest arena of all for consensus orthodox science, that of energy and “climate change.”
The Importance of Skepticism
The lengthy House Select Committee Report is chock full of information “eviscerating the fake consensus science that has been the hallmark of the pandemic and response since the outset.”
Social distancing requirements were largely responsible for closing businesses, heightening a sense in loss of community, and were part of the reasoning schools could not reopen for so long.
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