The Truth Will Set You Free
In American Greatness, Roger Kimball untangles Barack Obama’s political success, and exposes, as Mr. Kimball calls it, his magic circle of celebrity: his “smooth, non-confrontational manner, and his ability to dress up radical policy proposals in an emollient jelly of seeming common sense …”
The Whispering Puppeteer
Barack Obama, often credited with/accused of being the virtual architect of the Biden administration, ignored or withheld from the public his own firsthand knowledge that Biden was suffering from signs of dementia.
Rejection of Barack Obama is evident in Donald Trump’s election success and the growing rebuff of woke politics, unchecked immigration, and systemic repression.
Signs of the fading of the Obama star were evident during the later stages of Kamala Harris’s disastrous campaign. It was crystalized, however, on 5 November with Donald Trump’s victory.
Obama, the Scold
Leaving aside his comfortable retirement, Obama hit the 2024 campaign trail to school/scold/warn the country that as the country’s 45th president, Trump was “a dictator, a fascist, a tyrant, and, of course, a racist,” Victor Davis Hanson reminds voters.
Obama wheeled out his old standby: that Republicans were in the habit of “weaponizing” the DOJ and other institutions to steal elections and cement their hold on political power. “One side, he sermonized, tries to stack the deck and lock in a permanent grip on power, either by actively suppressing votes or politicizing the armed forces or using the judiciary criminal justice system to go after opponents.”
They Must Be Stopped
Time is long past for Obama to get away with his political trash talk. This blatant act of projection was immediately called out and ridiculed, continues Mr. Kimball.
Quoting the remark, Miranda Divine spoke for the Zeitgeist when she observed that “It’s over for Obama. The spell is broken. Donald Trump vanquished him, Biden, Harris, the Bushes, and the Cheneys. All of them, with a spring in his step.”
The commentator John Gibson offered a pithier piece of Obama’s comment: “Shorter: I accuse them of doing what we did, and they must be stopped.”
Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. For what, you could reasonably ask. Well, it turns out, for nothing. It seems as though Obama won the prize merely for existing.
Barack Obama embodies the woke racialism, the imputation of white guilt, the suspicion of the free market and American power, the active “suppressing votes or politicizing the armed forces or using the judiciary criminal justice system to go after opponents.”
When Lying, Lie Big
Do you know which notorious person said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Yes, it is often credited to the Nazi’s chief propaganda chief George Gobbles, although the original description of the “big lie” appeared in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kempf.
To maintain the lie, it implores, shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie.
While the jury hasn’t convened on a timetable, Roger Kimball maintains there is increasing consensus about the dismal long-term effects of the massive influx of undocumented immigrants.
The people have awakened to that reality, to the fact that millions (12) of illegal immigrants translate into millions of new leeches on the economy, millions of people set to displace American workers for scarce jobs.
Donald Trump seems determined to put together a team to dismantle the “apparatus of repression” so precious to the Left.
The public understands this, argues Mr. Kimball, which is a “major reason the romance with Obama and everything he represents has faltered.”
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