UPDATE 6.18.20: After leaving the Trump administration in disgrace, John Bolton has chosen to stab the President in the back with a “tell all” memoir. The answer to the question “Is appointing John Bolton Trump’s worst mistake?” which I put to you in this post on March 28, 2018, is an emphatic, “yes!”
According to Jimmy Carter, appointing John Bolton could be President Trump’s worst mistake in office. In an interview with CBS This Morning, Carter calls the appointment ill advised, because Bolton has called for preemptive war over and over again. Carter thinks the country can overcome the decision to appoint Bolton. Clark Mindock writes for The Independent:
“I [Jimmy Carter] have been concerned at some of the things he’s decided. I think his last choice for national security adviser was very ill-advised. I think John Bolton has been the worst mistake he’s made,” Mr Carter said.
Mr Bolton is a controversial figure, even within the Republican party. The former ambassador to the United Nations under former President George W Bush, Mr Bolton has criticized the Iran nuclear deal brokered by the Obama administration, and has called for preemptive strikes against North Korea.
Read more here.
Jimmy Carter says John Bolton pick is “worst mistake” Trump has made
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