Will Iranians rise up to change their leaders? Dov Fischer suggests at The American Spectator that it may be time to put more economic pressure on Iran’s leaders. He writes (abridged):
I am unalterably opposed to sending American servicemen and women into another intractable foreign adventure. I oppose American adventurism and regime change from outside. We are not the world’s policeman.
The Great War was none of our business, and we stayed out of it for a long while. Eventually, we got drawn in against Germany. Woodrow Wilson had grand illusions of reshaping the world, and history has demonstrated quite conclusively that he was a fool.
Europe made a mess of the armistice, heaping so much punishment onto Germany that they planted the seeds for the rise of Hitler. When World II erupted, we initially stayed out of that one, too, but Japan took care of that. When they start bombing your homeland and pursuing designs to take one of your states hostage, what are you got that was World War II.
Today, the greatest threat to our long-term security comes from Iran.
The thing is, Iran is fixated on “Death to America,” and they are determined to create a nuclear bomb.
Yet, in the aftermath of the Qassem Soleimani elimination, something became unexpectedly more clear. right now they actually are much weaker than many of us realized. Under the impact of the Trump Administration’s economic sanctions, the mullahs are breaking financially. They cannot afford a war.
They are feeling it really hard in Iran. The sanctions are taking their toll, despite the disaster of Joe Biden and Obama having sent the mullahs between $55 billion and $150 billion, including $1.7 billion in cash, highlighted by the $400 million that Biden and Obama flew to them. As reported by CNN in the days before Trump:
The weakness of Iran’s response to Soleimani’s removal raises the question whether this is the time to raise the economic ante.
Read more here.
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