You don’t want to miss P.J. O’Rourke’s excellent response to a question posted at minute mark 41:47 about the role of government in our lives. In reference to a lawless Mogadishu, Somalia, circa 1992, O’Rourke is asked if he prefers lawlessness to our current government. His response is a wonderful reminder of what founding father James Madison had in mind for our young country.
But first, listen to minute 22:00 where he talks about being a radio reporter for ABC News in Mogadishu and visiting a crowded makeshift market with his reporter friend Leon. Standing in the crowd Leon waves his 9mm Glock, racks it, and says to O’Rourke “Meet the Visa Card of the future.” As O’Rourke explains, even in the broken state of Somalia, with no government to speak of, there was a marketplace. For all of us seeking self-reliance, you’ll always be on the right path if you have what others value. It’s that simple.
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