In many ways our country has never really recovered from the 2008/2009 economic debacle. The modest recovery that has emerged has come as the result of a historical running of the money printing presses by the Fed. It’s a scheme of monetary bribery. The administration in Washington is at sea and is a co-conspirator with the Fed and Congress in setting the stage for the current asset bubble and collapse in purchasing power of the dollar. What a disaster, and yet we are in but the early act of a multi-act, bad-ending financial play.
With interest rates now at about zero, the Fed is in a box, and, despite erudite public commentary to the contrary, really has little running room left. America is functionally leaderless. There is no chance the anti-business administration will do one darn thing to produce a turnaround. The broom needs to come out in 2012, with tea party candidates racking up big gains in the House and Senate. A powerfully backed tea party presidential candidate will easily unseat the current occupant of the White House. The little rub comes when you look at the lame roster of current White House pretenders.
I want to be clear here, President Obama was elected because of a perfect storm. Mr. Obama had that festering, watermelon-size target that was President George Bush to kick. Bless his soul, President Bush was a disaster, deserving of the unpleasantness heaped upon him by the Obama collectivist crowd. Moderate John McCain offered a grizzly option, leaving hard-hitting conservative radio talk show hosts to sit on their hands. No energy, no jazz was created.
This time around the collectivists have no Bush can to kick down the road. John McCain is, well, gone. America faces an official unemployment rate of 9.1%. Debbie and I and friends from Virginia are on a seven-state motorcycle tour. As I poll business owners along the way, it is becoming increasingly clear that Washington is cooking the books. True unemployment is far above the 9.1% admitted to by officialdom.
OK, America’s next president needs to be a card-carrying jobs-creator with a proven and visible record. After studious review, a shockingly good candidate emerges. And I doubt that either President Obama or former President Bush will be too captivated by my selection. I, of course, am leading up to
a Rick Perry for President message. Lets see here, how about Rick Perry, “The Texas Jobs Creator” for President campaign banner? Has a nice ring to it. And boy, would the tea party, the conservative talk radio hosts, the country music stalwarts like Hank Williams Jr. and Travis Adkins, old time Rock & Rollers like Uncle Ted Nugent, the NASCAR gang, and most of the NRA-member, skilled Harley Davidson workers in York and Milwaukee turn out en masse.
The 2012 election is going to be about creating jobs. And the major subhead to the jobs-creation message will be a repealing of Obamacare. I don’t think any candidate should attempt to lose focus and confuse the boys and girls with too much Medicare mumbo jumbo. The time for that cleanup awaits a tea party majority in Washington. Let voters ponder that Governor Perry has created, over the last decade, more than 700,000 jobs in Texas, while Democrats in high-tax, union heavy (job destroyers) California and New England have lost over 600,000 and 200,000 jobs respectively. That’s a landslide differential.
With its strong anti-union, right to work, no state tax approach, good things happen in the Lone Star state. I see ‘The Texas Jobs Creator” as the type of liberty and freedom loving guy who will come out strongly for a national right to work law. Talk about boom times for America. Our country’s skilled workers can see a brand new day when the union shackles are removed and the union boss thugs are sent packing.
As the owner of a small business and a multi-decade advisor to small business owners, I can tell Americans with absolute certainty that a national right to work law would be the fodder for a wave of great new productive jobs. It is the the small business owner—the provider of most of America’s new jobs—who must be empowered. And it is Rick Perry, the proven jobs creator, who can best get the ball rolling and bring the jobs message to the streets. It’s really an open and shut case. Were I the collectivist crowd, I’d beat the rush and start calling the Washington moving vans now.
Warm Regards,
Dick Young
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