At, Gary D. Barnett warns Americans that this fall and winter are the most important time in American history. He warns against Americans’ acquiescence to overreaching government, saying “If mass compliance continues, and if dissent by large numbers of Americans is not forthcoming, life as we know it could end before spring.” He writes (abridged):
“It is important to remember that government interference always means either violent action or the threat of such action. Government is in the last resort the employment of armed men, of policemen, gendarmes, soldiers, prison guards, and hangmen. The essential feature of government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating, killing, and imprisoning. Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom.”
Ludwig Von Mises (1990). “Economic freedom and interventionism: an anthology of articles and essays”.
The Plan to Advance Global Governance
Concerning economics in the United States today, the hierarchy begins with the top tier of self-proclaimed elites, those in central and high level banking, those in the large corporate world, those at the top of the ‘healthcare’ pyramid, and those controlling monetary and economic policy above the level of government, including the class running the large tax exempt foundations. While government is below this level, it is nonetheless responsible for the economic carnage because it is the initiator and enforcer of policies meant to enrich the few at the top at the expense of the many.
The bloated economic systems worldwide have been inflated by a constant increase in the money supply for at least the past 12 plus years. This year alone, that expansion has exploded exponentially.
The destruction of the economy is a necessary aspect of the plan to advance global governance. The more people out of work and dependent on government means that they will be much easier to control.
This fall and winter is the most important time for this country, maybe the most important time in history. If mass compliance continues, and if dissent by large numbers of Americans is not forthcoming, life as we know it could end before spring.
Gary D. Barnett is a retired investment professional living and writing in Lewistown, Montana.
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